60th Annual Art of the Northeast Exhibition

May 8 to June 5 2009

Juried by:

Douglas Dreishpoon

Chief Curator, Albright-Knox Art Gallery Buffalo, New York

This exhibition is held every year at the Silvermine Guild of Artist and is open to any artist living in the Northeast, from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania to all of the New England states. 434 artist submitted over 925 works which only 51 pieces were accepted. A full color catalog was also printed.

If you want to view the video, on www.youtube.com, of  the jurying process by Douglas Dreishpoon, click here for part 1, part 2 and part 3. My image is very, very briefly shown on part 3.

This was the image of mine that was selected and is in the show. It is from a yet to be titled portfolio that is in the very beginning stages.


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